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Booking a Lesson

Our regular lessons are 50 minutes long and conducted online by Skype or Zoom with a native Chinese speaking tutor. Save time with our quick and easy to use booking system when you schedule a lesson with one of our tutors:

1. Check a tutor’s schedule and book a date & time that works for you.
Log in to our system and check a tutor's schedule.

Feel free to book a lesson with a tutor that fits your schedule.
2. Tutor will confirm his/her availability for the lesson.
Our tutor will confirm or decline his/her availability for the lesson within 48 hours (an e-mail will be sent to you within 48 hours).

3. Once tutor confirms his/her availability, show up on Skype/Zoom at specified date & time and enjoy the lesson.
When our tutor confirms the lesson, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you with the tutor's Skype/Zoom ID and the date & time of the lesson.

You can try a 25 minute free trial to experience one of our tutors before making any commitments. If you want to continue your lessons after the free trial, you can purchase a regular 50 minute lesson via PayPal or credit card (please click here for information on how to purchase a regular 50 minute lesson). To get started on your free trial, please register here.